Hier findet man Rezensionen zu HeroQuest und Glorantha-Produkten
Jrustela (Mongoose Publishing; 2007) Players Guide to Glorantha (Mongoose Publishing; 2007) Trolls: A Guide to the Uz (Mongoose Publishing; 2007) Cults of Glorantha Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing; 2007) Ye Booke of Tentacles Vol. 6 (The Chaos Society; 2006) Under the Red Moon (Moon Design Publications; 2006) The Middle Sea Empire (Moon Design Publications; 2006) Glorantha - The Second Age: Ralios PDF (Mongoose Publishing; 2006) Runic Powers PDF (Mongoose Publishing; 2006) Magic of Glorantha (Mongoose Publishing; 2006) Cults of Glorantha (Mongoose Publishing; 2006) Glorantha - The Second Age (Mongoose Publishing; 2006) Men of the Sea (Issaries Inc., 2004) Arcane Lore (Issaries Inc.; 2004) The Zin Letters # 2 (Kalikos, 2004) Wintertop´s Fair (Unspoken Word 2004) Magnus Liber Rerum (Unspoken Word & Continuum 2004) Path of the Damned 3 (Chaos Society 2004) Gathering Thunder (Issaries Inc. 2004) Beyond Pavis (Chaos Society 2004) Masters of Luck and Death (Issaries Inc. 2004) Dragon Pass - Land of Thunder - A Gazeteer of Kerofinela (Issaries, Inc. 2003) Hero´s Book - Playing HeroQuest (Issaries Inc. 2003) HeroQuest Voices PDF (Issaries Inc. 2003) The Zin Letters # 1 (Kalikos 2003) Shadows of Pavis (Chaos Society 2003) HeroQuest (Issaries Inc. 2003) The Widow´s Tale (Chaos Society 2003) Ye Booke of Tentacles Vol. 4 & 5 (Chaos Society 2003) Paper Wars - Dragon Pass at War (Unspoken Word 2003) King of Dragon Pass (# A Sharp 1999) Imperial Lunar Handbook - Volume 1: The Lunar Empire (Issaries, Inc. 2003) Rough Guide to Pavis City (Chaos Society 2003) Tales of the Reaching Moon # 20 (Raching Moon Megacorp 2003) Moon Rites (Chaos Society 2003) Path of the Damned 2 (Chaos Society 2003) Orlanth is Dead (Issaries 2002) Cult Compendium - Glorantha Classics Volume III (Moon Design Publication 2002) The Four Scrolls of Revelation (Convulsion CO2 & Unspoken Word 2002) In Wintertops Shadow - Unspoken Word 3 (Unspoken Word 2002) Legacy of Pavis (Chaos Society 2002) The Thieves Arm - Unspoken Word 2 (Unspoken Word 2002) Path of the Damned (Chaos Society 2002) Uz - The Trolls of Glorantha (The Unspoken Word 2002) Barbarian Adventures (Issaries 2002) The Complete Griselda (Issaries 2001) The Complete Griselda (Issaries 2001) Griffin Mountain - Glorantha Classics Volume II (Moon Design Publication 2001) The Masks of Pavis (Chaos Society/Tentacles Press 2001) Tarsh in Flames - Unspoken Word 1 (Unspoken Word 2001) Storm Tribe - The Gods of Sartar (Issaries 2001) Storm Tribe - The Gods of Sartar (Issaries 2001) Thunder Rebels-Player´s Book for Orlanthi Barbarians (Issaries 2001) Thunder Rebels-Player´s Book for Orlanthi Barbarians (Issaries 2001) Anaxial´s Roster-Creatures of the Hero Wars (Issaries 2001) Anaxial´s Roster-Creatures of the Hero Wars (Issaries 2001) Hero Wars - Deutsche Ausgabe (MultiSim 2000) Deluxe Hero Wars - Epic Roleplaying in Glorantha(Box) (Issaries 2000) Pavis & Big Rubble - Glorantha Classics Volume I (Moon Design Publication 1999) King of Sartar (neu) (Issaries 1999) Wyrms Footprints (Chaosium & Reching Moon Megacorp 1995) RQ: Lords of Terror (Avalon Hill 1994) RQ: Strangers in Prax (Avalon Hill 1994) RQ: Dorastor - Land of Doom (Avalon Hill 1993) RQ: Shadows on the Borderlands (Avalon Hill 1993) King of Sartar (alt) (Chaosium 1992) RQ: River of Cradles (Avalon Hill 1992) RQ: Sun County (Avalon Hill 1992) |